Monday, June 6, 2011

Simply Monday- Dishes

Well, I almost didn't do a post today, but since this is mainly a reminder to me to live simply I thought I better do something :) This summer with Sammy here everyday and making lunches for the 3 kids I thought I'd come up with something easy for all of us. Dallin, Lauren, and Sammy all have their own color dishes and those are all the dishes they can use each day. I've shown them how to rinse their cups to be reused during the day and also how to wash their dishes and put them in the dishwasher. It saves me time by getting them to clean up after themselves and since they all have different colors I will always know who didn't do their dishes, or who left them sitting on the table. We are having a set lunch time so they know when they have to be home from friends houses. Also trying to have healthy meals so they wont ask for so many snacks during the day. Hopefully we will get Dallin to try some fruits and veggies this summer when he sees Lauren and Sammy eating them all the time. (At least I can dream :))

1 comment:

  1. i love this idea Julie. I heard you say that about your set lunch time too and I already want to copy you. I love your simply mondays, keep them coming- i get so many great ideas.
