Monday, July 11, 2011

Cat Nap

We love our cat Sebastian, he is almost 12 years old but usually still acts like he's young. I didn't want to leave his adventures out of our blog, so I've been snapping pictures of him whenever I find him in a funny place. He's been in our family so long I don't know what we would do without him.
His favorite nap place is freshly dried laundry, he climbs into the middle of it and falls asleep :)

He loves boxes of all types and whenever there is an empty one around he finds it.

His favorite chair. (Even when Lauren's doll is there)

He's not supposed to be on the table but when the sun shines through he just can't help it. (Or maybe he just wanted to play with Dallin's legos)

This is where we find him most of the time. Especially in the morning when I'm trying to make the bed. He lets us know at night when he's ready for us to come to bed and curls up at my feet as soon as I'm in bed.

Simply Monday- Family Calendar

I have this white board weekly calendar on the wall in the laundry room to help us remember all the daily activities we have. Normally I update this on Sunday from my planner and then on Monday night we go over it at Family Home Evening. Somehow though I haven't done much updating this summer and have forgotten a few activities till the last minute. Like this morning at 9:45 when I realized that it was Monday and cubscouts starts at 10:00. Luckily it wasn't at my house today so I made it to Lori's on time but with wet hair and no make-up :) I don't think the boys noticed. I love having this calendar where everyone can see it so that when someone asks me if they can do something, I just have them check the calendar to see what's going on. Hopefully my Simply Monday posts will help me this summer since I feel like I've lost my simplifying attitude in the last few weeks.