Friday, October 21, 2011

My Cousin David

Yesterday, my cousin David A. passed away from injuries suffered in a car accident. This is his beautiful family from last year (their youngest was not in the picture she turned 1 this summer). I don't have very many cousins, but spent my childhood living close to most of them. I have so many fun and silly memories of David. My favorite thing about him has always been his smile. It seems like everytime I ever saw him as a child or as an adult he had this big smile on his face. He will truly be missed.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Why Am I Doing This?

Last Saturday at Weight Watchers our leader challenged us to come up with 10 reasons why joined WW. She said to post our list somewhere where we would not forget so I decided to make it a blog post :)
These are in no particular order and it was way harder that I thought to come up with 10 reasons!!!

1. Jordan is getting married.
2. I want to coach Lauren's soccer team next fall.
3. I want to buy cute clothes.
4. I want to feel healthy.
5. I want my family to be healthy.
6. I want to feel better about myself.
7. I want to prove to myself that I CAN accomplish a goal.
8. I want to avoid health problems.
9. I want to go to Hawaii.
10. ??????