Monday, November 21, 2011


The girls.

The boys.

All 10.

Early this fall we decided that we needed a cousin picture, before all these kids go different ways. These are my parents 10 grandchildren- 5 girls and 5 boys !! 5 of them are mine, 2 are my sister Karen's, 1 my brother Aaron's, and 2 are my brother Colin's. (We're still waiting on Pat :) ) I'm so glad that they all get along so well and have made lots of memories together. It wont be long and some of them will be spread all over the world (possibly). Keiler will be leaving on a mission soon and Alex wont be far behind him. I'm so excited for both of them and the adventures awaiting them. Jordan is getting married in January and Ashley is only 1 1/2 years younger so who knows when the time will come for her :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

For this month of Thanksgiving, I thought I would list 10 things I'm thankful for. They will be in no particular order :)
1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
2. My wonderful parents who taught me so much and continue to teach me.
3. My awesome husband Greg who puts up with me.
4. Jordan, Keiler, Max, Dallin and Lauren- the best kids in the whole world!!
5. My Grandparents who are such an influence in my life.
6. Karen, Aaron, Patrick, and Colin- the best siblings anyone could ask for.
7. Rick, Melissa and Katrina- thanks for becoming part of our family :)
8. My house (and especially my craft room)
9. Greg's job !!
10. The best neighbors and friends I could ask for.