Saturday, April 30, 2011

Live Simply

A few years ago I bought this vinyl to put up somewhere in my house. I couldn't figure out where to put it cause it didn't quite "fit" in any of my rooms, but I love the saying. This year as we have set the goal of organizing and simplifying I decided that I needed to find a place to put it. It's now on the wall in the laundry room right by the door to the garage. I figured that would do me the most good since it's a constant reminder as I leave the house that I don't need to find all the good deals on the stuff I don't really need :) We have been working real hard on spring cleaning, maybe when we are done it will finally be spring. I know the reason that it's so hard for me to keep my house super clean is that we have toooooo much stuff. If I would simply take this statement to heart all the time then it would be much easier to follow. I can't complain about the snow today since we cleaned out our bedroom closet for the first time in 5 years. Greg has also spent lots of time cleaning out the garage!!! I started the organizing back in February with my Craft Room and now I've come full circle and need to clean it again, wish me luck!

Monday, April 25, 2011

This boy keeps us laughing. On Saturday, Greg was talking about his insomnia and how he wished he could turn his brain off. Dallin then said maybe you can't turn your brain off but sometimes you can leave it behind, "like this one day when I got to school and I had left my brain at home" :) He recently brought home his daily journal from school and its hilarious. I'm hoping to scan some pages in to share later. His favorite word lately is "literally?" Seriously, what would we do without him?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

11 Years

11 years ago this Friday, Greg and I were married. I think we were both a little scared that day as we both had gone through previous tough marriages. I'm so glad that we didn't let that stop us from becoming husband and wife. We have had our ups and downs like every other couple but I truly know that we belong together. I'm looking forward to the next 11 (and more!!) Love you Greg :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Looking Forward.....

My mom gave me this book when I left for college at BYU in the fall of 1987. Now almost 24 years later I am passing it on to my daughter Jordan as she has left home for the first time. The book was published in 1977 so the pictures are quite funny. Even in 1987 I thought it was quite humorous. If you can ignore the crazy clothes and the silly looks on the faces of the actors, it is a good reference on self-defense. Can you believe I kept this book for so long ? I guess that would explain alot of my issues :)