Saturday, February 1, 2014

New Years Resolutions

I tried hard this year to be reasonable with my new years resolutions.  I really want to be able to follow through with them instead of just getting overwhelmed and giving up.  I have decided to dedicate each month to working extra on a specific goal while still working on the others.

January- Junk month,  I have successfully cleaned out my storage room including 8 boxes of "stuff" to take to DI and 8 garbage bags full of shredded files.  It feels sooooo good to get that to a manageable place.  We still need to do the garage but that will have to wait till it gets warmer outside!!

February- Fitness.  I've spent the last month walking on the treadmill everyday except for Sundays and the few days while I had the flu.  This month I want to diversify my fitness routine and take some fitness classes.

March- Money Management.  We've been working hard on our budget and saving more money.  In March I want to review the past 2 months spending and see what changes we need to make to our budget.
April-April showers bring May flowers.  Well at our house there aren't many flowers, so in April we will be planning our yard and garden projects for the summer.  And hopefully get the garage organized by now.

That's as far as I've planned.  As each month ends I will re evalute my plans and see what changes need to be made :)