Monday, March 7, 2011

The Pink Cup

So, yesterday after church I poured apple juice for Dallin and Lauren in two plastic cups, one was green and one was pink. I wasn't watching what I was doing and I added Dallin's medicine to the pink cup. When he came into the room, he couldn't believe that I thought it was ok for him to drink out of a pink cup. He finally decided to do it if we would not watch him. I looked up to see if he was done and he totally freaked out, so I started laughing (which he was not thrilled about). I wish I had my camera ready to get his picture cause it was so funny!!! He did finally drink the juice in the bathroom with Jordan's help but he still thinks we should throw all pink cups away :) I'm not sure where he got this from, obviously its ok for Lauren to drink out of blue cups so why can't he drink out of a pink one?