Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oops, where did the time go???

Seriously, I am going to get good at this blogging thing :) I have lots of goals for this new year and hope to accomplish some of them. I started this blog with an idea Dallin had about the life and adventures of our family. Maybe we are just too boring and don't have a life or adventures!! Last year we bought a bumper pull trailer for camping and really enjoyed exploring Utah and are planning lots of trips for this summer. I'm hoping to get some good pics and lots of information to share from our outings. Right now, my goal is organizing my home. I've been working on my craft/ sewing/ computer room and feel pretty good about my progress. I plan on posting some pictures of my valance later (it has one thing left to be finished on it). More Later......

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I am so excited that you are going to start blogging. You have so many great ideas, and I love your family. Can't wait for a complete tutorial on how you organized you craft room. Your the best.
