Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Enjoy the Journey

I wasn't going to post anything till after the wedding but this thought keeps coming to my mind so I thought I'd better write it down. I remember when my kids were babies and I thought "I can't wait till they can smile, crawl, walk, talk, etc. " Then its I can't wait till my kids start school. And I can't wait till summer when we don't have homework. It goes on and on. I sometimes feel like the kids when we drive in the car on a trip and they say "are we there yet?" The only way they seem to enjoy the journey is to watch a movie or color or play games, but whatever the entertainment they do finally enjoy the journey. I think I need to find my "movie" or "games" or pictures to "color" during my journey. I really enjoy life, I've enjoyed being a mother and I love being around kids so it isn't like I don't enjoy the journey everyday but sometimes I just feel a little overwhelmed at the task ahead. One of my new years goals is to take time for myself, to do things like study the scriptures more, attend the temple more, work on my sewing projects more... I think taking time for those things will help me feel more organized and happy with the other parts of my life. I also want to make sure that everyday my kids know how much I love them. They grow up so fast !!!! Enough of the rambling- time to get back to wedding preparations :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow... thank you for this. It's a gentle reminder for me too. I think every day that I can't wait till these little babies aren't babies. But then I'd miss all the good things happening too!
